Eternium 1.2.65 level champion forum
Eternium 1.2.65 level champion forum

eternium 1.2.65 level champion forum

I'd like this changed to be: Nearby Allies gain X Critical Rating for Y seconds.

eternium 1.2.65 level champion forum

It currently "taunts" the targets to attack the Tank. I'd like to see some tweaks to the companions sooner rather than later but I imagine it isn't "easy"īelow are the 4 classes of companions and how I would like them to change:Īctive - Charge - Charge forward damaging and stunning enemies. Right now the only use of them is the Aura in which Endar's in the best for DPS ergo wins. I dot not believe that it is intentional and I believe that they intend to update the companions at some point.

Eternium 1.2.65 level champion forum